Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Software Engineering Interview Question and Answers

1.    Define software engineering?
According to IEEE, Software engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of sofware.
2.    What are the categories of software?
System software
Application software
Embedded software
Web Applications
Artificial Intelligence software
Scientific software.
3.    Define testing?
Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding of an error.
4.    What is white box testing?
White box testing is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. It is otherwise called as structural testing.
5.    What is Black box testing?
Black box testing is a test case design method that focuses on the functional requirements of the software. It is otherwise called as functional testing.

6.    What is verification and validation?
Verification refers to the set of activities that ensure that software correctly implements a specific function.

Validation refers to the set of activities that ensure that the software that has been built is traceable to customer requirements.
7.    What is debugging?
Debugging is the process that results in the removal of error. It occurs as a consequence of successful testing.
8.    Define cyclomatic complexity?
Cyclomatic complexity is a software metric that provides a quantitative measuer of the logical complexity of a program.
9.    What is error tracking?
Error tracking is an activity that provides a means for assessing the status of a current project.
10.    What are case tools?
Computer Aided Software Engineering - CASE tools assist software engineering managers and practitioners in evey activity associated with the software process. They automate project management activities manage all work products produced throughout the process and assist the engineers in their analysis, design, coding and test work.

11.    What is data design?
Data design transforms the information domain model created during analysis into the data structures that will be required to implement the software.
12.    Define cohension and coupling?
Cohension is a measure of the relative functional strength of a module.

Coupling is a measure of the relative interdependence among modules.
13.    What are the different types of cohension?
There are different types of cohension are
Coincidental cohension
Logical cohension
Temporal cohension
Procedural cohension
Communicational cohension
14.    What are the different types of coupling?
There are different types of coupling are
Data coupling
Stamp coupling
Control coupling
External coupling
Common coupling
Content coupling
15.    What is user interface design?
User interface design creates an effective communication medium between a human and a computer.

16.    What is meant by specification?
A specification can be a written document, a graphical model, a formal mathematical model, a collection of usage scenarios, a prototype or any combination of these.
17.    Define process?
A series of steps involving activities, constraints, and resources that produce an intended output of some kind is known as process.
18.    How spiral model works?
The spiral model is an evolutionary software process model that couples the iterative nature of prototyping with the controlled and systematic aspects of the waterfall lifecycle model. It also has an emphasis on the use of risk management techniques.
19.    What is winwin spiral model?
Winwin spiral model defines a set of negotiation activities at the beginning of each pass around the spiral. The best negotiations strive for a win-win result.
20.    Mention the various views in system engineering hierarchy?
The various views in system engineering hierarchy from top to bottom in order are
World view
Domain view
Element view
Detailed view

21.    What is software requirements definition?
A software requirements definition is an abstract description of the services which the system should provide and the constraints under which the system must operate.

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